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Yayoy | YOGA YOUR WAY is a yogastudio in Amsterdam West, in which I took classes for almost a year. It’s one of the newest yoga schools in Amsterdam. Their mission: getting as many people as possible introduced (and addicted) to yoga! By creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, a warm community and a diverse menu of classes, they created a low-level possibility for new-born yogi’s to discover the world of yoga.

I do many things for Yagoy:

As an Organisational professional, I assisted Yagoy in optimising their processes and making everything as smooth as possible. I created a blueprint they used as a basis for the second studio in the Pijp. Plans are expand the number of Yagoy Studios to at least 3 in Amsterdam.

Secondly, I host Yoga & Ayurveda workshops – 3 times a year. I developed a 3-day introduction workshop for yogi’s that are interested learning the basics of Ayurveda and combining this ancient philosophy with their yogi lifestyle. I teach the basic principles and give them practical tips and tools for their daily life. Next workshop is on 21-22-23 October 2016. Be welcome! Enroll here.

Last but not least I also contribute to their Lifestyle Blog (currently under construction) – I write blogs for the EAT section of this blog. In these short articles I introduce the Yagoy Community to Ayurveda (the ancient Indian Science of Life, in which I’m currently trained as practitioner).

Watch this initiative, there’s more to come!

YAGOY | Yoga Your Way